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What to Expect: Physical Therapy After an Ankle Replacement

by Travis Mason PT, DPT, ITPT North Central Tucson

Physical therapy after an ankle replacement aims to help patients regain strength, mobility, and function while minimizing pain and complications. Ankle replacement surgery, or total ankle arthroplasty, is typically performed to relieve pain and improve joint function in individuals with severe ankle arthritis or joint damage. It is generally considered when conservative treatments, such as medication, physical therapy, and bracing, have not provided sufficient relief from ankle pain and mobility issues.

Physical therapy is essential to the rehabilitation process following ankle replacement surgery. For a full recovery after an ankle replacement, here’s what you can expect during the physical therapy rehabilitation process:

Early Mobilization

As the surgical site heals, the physical therapist will work with you to gradually increase weight-bearing and walking. Gentle range of motion exercises for the ankle may begin with strengthening exercises for the muscles around the ankle, calf, and thigh.

Intermediate Phase

The focus will be on improving the ankle range of motion, strength, and balance. Balance exercises may be introduced to help improve joint stability. Aquatic therapy or pool exercises may be beneficial for reducing the impact on the joint while still providing resistance for strengthening.

Advanced Rehabilitation

Continued strengthening exercises, including resistance training, will be part of the program. Functional activities may be incorporated, such as stair climbing and walking on uneven surfaces. The therapist will tailor the program to your specific needs and goals, including returning to sports or more demanding activities.

Home Exercise Program (HEP)

Following a home exercise program your physical therapist prescribes is essential to maintain progress between sessions and after discharge. The duration of physical therapy will vary from person to person, depending on factors like the extent of surgery, individual progress, and specific goals. It’s crucial to adhere to the recommended rehabilitation plan and attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon and physical therapist.

Physical Therapy Before Surgery? (Prehab)

In most cases, it’s imperative to have physical therapy before surgery so that joint strength can be built. The stronger you go into surgery, the stronger you will come out. Putting in this work ahead of time will improve the benefits of rehab following surgery. Prehabilitation (prehab) is when you engage in PT before surgery to help give you a head start on your post-op rehab. By working with a physical therapist to develop a program, you can speed up your post-rehab efforts. You can also strengthen your body before a surgical procedure.

If you’re planning an orthopedic surgery, talk to your surgeon to design a physical therapy treatment. We collaborate with the top orthopedic surgeons in Tucson to align patients’ outcomes—to get back to their favorite activities and live pain-free lives. Schedule a free injury assessment to learn more about physical therapy before surgery.

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