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Preventing and Treating Pickleball Injuries with Physical Therapy

by Andrew Herstam PT, DPT East Tucson Clinic

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the U.S., leading to increased injuries. As with any sport, there is the risk of injury. However, physical therapy can help with preventing and treating pickleball injuries and keep you playing the sport you love. As pickleballers head to the courts, it is essential to understand the potential risks involved and take necessary precautions to prevent injuries.

Common Causes of Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball is a great exercise because it combines strength training with cardio and requires quick footwork and agility. This sport mirrors tennis’s intensity; consequently, physical therapists at ProActive Physical Therapy are seeing more pickleball injuries. USA Pickleball reports that a staggering 4.8 million individuals are currently engaged in the sport, leading to an alarming rise in injuries. The estimated number of injuries has skyrocketed over the past decade, reaching a staggering 19,000 cases annually.

Pickleball injuries are caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Not warming up or stretching
  2. Improper technique
  3. Lack of overall training
  4. Inadequate time to recover
  5. Pre-existing joint problems

Physical therapist treating woman's elbow pain.

Common Pickleball Injuries

The top 4 common injuries we see at ProActive as a result of pickleball are:

  1. Overuse injuries: shoulder pain, tennis elbow, torn rotator cuff, golfer’s elbow,
  2. Knee pain
  3. Ankle Sprains
  4. Back pain

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Physical therapist assisting woman with arm resistance band exercise.

Physical Therapy to Prevent Injuries

There are several ways that physical therapy can help to prevent pickleball injuries.

1. Build strength: Physical therapists can help you strengthen the muscles used in pickleball. This can help to improve your power and endurance, which can also help to reduce your risk of injury.

2. Improve your technique: One of the primary benefits of working with a physical therapist is learning proper technique and body mechanics. They will analyze your movements, such as serving, volleying, and lateral directions, and guide you on correctly performing them. Using the correct technique can minimize the strain on your joints and muscles, reducing the risk of overuse injuries. This can help reduce the stress placed on your joints and muscles, which can help prevent injuries.

3. Improve your flexibility and range of motion: Physical therapists are experts in movement and can help to lengthen tight muscles, increase joint mobility, and enhance overall flexibility. This can help to reduce your risk of injuries such as muscle strains and ligament sprains.

4. Functional exercises: Physical therapists can help you to develop functional activities that you can do to improve your ability to play pickleball. These exercises will be tailored to your individual needs and fitness level.

Physical Therapy Treatment Options If Injured

1. Pain Management

Pain management plays a crucial role in treating pickleball injuries through physical therapy. By addressing pain effectively, physical therapists help patients regain function and speed up healing.

2. Manual therapy

Manual therapy can be beneficial in treating pickleball injuries as it helps reduce pain, improve joint mobility, and promote healing. Techniques such as joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulation, and massage can target specific areas of injury, helping to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and improve tissue flexibility. Manual therapy can also help correct postural imbalances and muscle imbalances, contributing to pickleball injuries. Additionally, manual therapy techniques can help release muscle tension, improve range of motion, and restore proper biomechanics, allowing players to return to the game more quickly and safely.

3. Dry Needling

Dry needling can help release muscle tension, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Targeting the trigger points can help relieve pain associated with common pickleball injuries such as tennis elbow or shoulder impingement. Additionally, dry needling can improve blood flow and restore normal muscle function.


Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) helps break down scar tissue and adhesions that may have formed as a result of the injury. This promotes better tissue healing and improves the range of motion.

Physical therapist treating mans shoulder pain with dry needling treatment.

5. Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation can help strengthen and re-educate muscles that have been weakened or atrophied due to injury. It also reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing process.

Physical therapy can be a very effective treatment if you experience an injury while playing pickleball. Pickleball injuries can be frustrating and debilitating, but thankfully there are ways to prevent injury. Incorporating physical therapy into your pickleball routine can significantly reduce the risk of injuries and improve your overall performance. ProActive Physical therapists are trained professionals who can assess your physical condition, teach you correct techniques, prescribe injury prevention exercises, and guide you through recovery if an injury occurs. Remember, taking care of your body is essential for the long-term enjoyment of the sport. Contact us at (520) 747-9225 to schedule a complimentary assessment.

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