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Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

Have you ever experienced a fall? Every day in the United States, over 10,000 people turn 65, and fall-related injuries are the 5th costliest medical expenditure among their age group. Reducing the number of injuries sustained from falls can help keep medical costs low, but more importantly, it will keep our seniors as safe and independent as possible. Falls can occur anywhere, indoors or outdoors, at any time. Here are fall prevention tips for seniors and steps we can take to minimize injuries and prevent falls.

Hikers using hiking poles for balance.

Preventing Falls

Many seniors enjoy walking and spending time outdoors, but proper precautions should be taken to prevent injury. When outdoors, ensure the surfaces you are walking on are safe. If walking on uneven or rougher terrain, ensure steady footing with an appropriate assistive device, such as a cane or walker, as well as suitable footwear. When outdoor surfaces are wet they tend to be more slippery, so make sure you are aware of these conditions. When walking up a ramp or stairs, use a hand railing if it is available.

Most falls among seniors occur inside, especially in the bathroom area. When in the bathroom, be careful with slippery surfaces and use grab bars if needed. Using a shower chair might be a good idea to make showering easier and safer. After showering, make sure your towel and clothing are close by to avoid walking while still wet.

Motion sensitive night light under bed.

Middle-of-the-night Needs

For middle-of-the-night needs, install a night light that is motion-sensitive so you can see where you’re going. Always make sure that when you first get up, you give yourself a few moments to become oriented. You should wear a supportive slipper that has a back and a good gripping sole to provide you with more support. If you use assistive devices such as canes or walkers in the house, use them at night when getting up to use the restroom.

For anyone who is a fall risk, make sure to get rid of any throw rugs that could potentially cause you to slip and fall. If you have pets, make sure you know where they are when walking to avoid tripping over them, especially if they run to the door when a visitor arrives.

Exercise for Maintaining Balance, Strength, and Mobility

Senior woman being treated by a physiotherapist for balance issues.

Exercise is critical in maintaining balance, strength, and mobility. Good balance while walking will reduce the risk of falls, and it can be improved by performing simple exercises. Stretching of the lower back and hips, lower body, and standing balance exercises will help minimize falls. A physical therapist can help you effectively formulate a tailored exercise program to improve strength and balance.

By following all of these tips, we can hopefully minimize falls this coming year and our seniors will be able to continue performing the daily activities they enjoy.

ProActive Physical Therapy has developed research-based assessments and programs and we offer a free balance assessment at each of our clinics.  In addition, physical therapists are trained to help you achieve optimal balance, reducing your risk for falls. Servicing Tucson for over 21 years with 10 locations in the Tucson area.

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